Monday, November 19, 2012

How do you choose your path?

How do you choose your path?

Survey the Options
Surveying the Options
Well, went back to the new RE today - he reviewed my US findings. He's compassionate and soft in his recommendations - aggressive IUI, IVF w/ICSI or if desired DE IVF.  Leaving it up to us to decide what next step we want to take.

Odds per Option:
  • 10% > IUI w/aggressive drug treatment
  • 18% > IVF w/ICSI w/aggressive drug treatment
  • 80% > DE IVF
Can you guess which is the most expensive?

Grateful that I had more than a year to digest these options and had a job so I can actually consider these options.  How do you even begin to consider the factors to make a decision?

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